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    Is It Legal to Text and Drive in Texas? | TX Texting Laws

    Is it Legal to Text and Drive in Texas?

    As a Texan who is passionate about the law and road safety, I can`t help but wonder about the regulations surrounding texting and driving in our state. It`s a topic that affects all of us, and it`s essential to understand the laws to ensure we are staying safe and following the rules.

    The Law Texas

    In Texas, illegal text drive all drivers. The state passed a law in 2017 that bans texting and driving, making it a misdemeanor offense. Means caught texting wheel, could face fines penalties.

    Statistics on Texting and Driving

    It`s important to look at the statistics to understand the severity of texting and driving. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, in 2019, there were 19,147 crashes in Texas that involved distracted driving. Out of those crashes, 97 people were killed, and 2,340 people were seriously injured.

    Case Studies

    One case that gained a lot of attention in Texas was the story of a young woman who was texting and driving and caused a fatal accident. She was charged with negligent homicide and received a prison sentence. This case serves as a reminder of the tragic consequences of texting and driving.

    As see, texting driving dangerous also illegal Texas. It`s essential to prioritize safety on the road and avoid distractions, including using our phones while driving. By understanding and following the law, we can contribute to making our roads safer for everyone.

    Year Crashes distracted driving Deaths Serious injuries
    2019 19,147 97 2,340

    Legal Contract Regarding Texting and Driving in Texas

    It is important to understand the legal implications of texting and driving in the state of Texas. This contract outlines the laws and regulations pertaining to this issue.

    Contract Party Provisions
    Texas State Legislature Section 545.425 of the Texas Transportation Code prohibits the use of a wireless communication device for electronic messaging while operating a motor vehicle.
    Department of Public Safety Law enforcement agencies are permitted to stop and issue a citation to a driver who is observed texting while driving, with fines ranging from $25 to $200.
    Legal Counsel It is advised to seek legal representation if facing charges related to texting and driving, as the consequences may include criminal penalties and license suspension.
    Insurance Providers Violating the texting and driving laws may result in increased insurance rates and potential denial of coverage for accidents caused by distracted driving.

    By entering into this contract, all parties acknowledge the legal restrictions and potential consequences of texting and driving in the state of Texas. It is imperative to adhere to the established laws to ensure safety and compliance with the legal framework.

    Legal Text Drive Texas: 10 FAQs

    Question Answer
    1. Can I text and drive in Texas? Well, well, well! You might want to think twice before sending that text while behind the wheel. Texas, illegal text drive. The law prohibits drivers from using any wireless communication device to read, write, or send an electronic message while operating a motor vehicle. So, put phone keep eyes road!
    2. What penalties texting driving Texas? Oh boy, don`t want find wrong side law! If caught texting driving Texas, may face fine $99 first offense, $200 subsequent offenses. In addition, if the violation results in a crash, the penalties can be even more severe. So, keep fingers phone!
    3. Are exceptions texting driving law? Hold horses! Are exceptions texting driving law Texas. Law apply drivers using hands-free device communicate, those stopped red light standstill traffic. However, it`s always best to avoid distractions and focus on the road.
    4. Can I use voice-to-text while driving in Texas? Ah, the wonders of technology! While the texting and driving law prohibits manually typing or sending electronic messages, you are allowed to use voice-to-text features on your phone. Just remember to keep your eyes on the road and use the feature responsibly.
    5. Can use phone GPS driving Texas? Getting from point A to point B can be a challenge, but fear not, using your phone for GPS navigation is perfectly legal in Texas. As long as you`re not texting or emailing while driving, using your phone for GPS purposes is A-OK. Just make sure to set your destination before hitting the road!
    6. Are laws related distracted driving Texas? Oh, Texas has got a few more tricks up its sleeve! In addition to the texting and driving law, Texas also has a law that prohibits drivers under the age of 18 from using any wireless communication device while driving, unless in the case of an emergency. So, if you`re a young driver, better keep that phone out of sight!
    7. Do need pull use phone Texas? Whoa there, cowboy! Don`t pull every time need use phone Texas. As long legally parked, can use phone heart`s content. Just be sure to find a safe and legal parking spot before touching that device!
    8. Can pulled texting driving Texas? Yeehaw! Texas law allows law enforcement officers to pull over drivers solely for the offense of texting and driving. So, if caught act, don`t surprised see flashing lights rearview mirror. It`s best put phone avoid hassle!
    9. Can sued texting driving Texas? You bet your boots! If your texting and driving leads to a car accident, you could be held liable for any resulting damages or injuries. So, not only is it illegal, but it can also have serious legal consequences. It`s just not worth the risk!
    10. What should I do if I see someone texting and driving in Texas? Well, well, well, look who`s being a responsible citizen! If you see someone texting and driving, the best course of action is to keep your distance and avoid confrontation. If you feel comfortable doing so, you can report the incident to local law enforcement. Let`s all work together to keep our roads safe!
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